The enchanting Jordan

The thing about travelling to some of the infamous places in the world is that a lot of times there is a cloud of doubt and fear surrounding it. Jordan was one such destination.  Being in the Gulf region, you are definitely more exposed to this destination through tourism ads and a few acquaintances who... Continue Reading →

For the love of nature

I woke up shivering being acutely aware of every body part. The thought of impending train journey bore heavy on my mind. Maybe this was momentary, maybe this was more mental than physical, maybe I should just surrender like I always do, maybe sometimes giving in is better than restricting yourself.I walked to the other... Continue Reading →

Into the Blue

NO! NO! I shouted and pushed him back with all the force in my arms.“ Trust me” he said “You will be fine.”I had made it to the jetty’s staircase by then. “I don’t want to. I am not going to.” I shouted back to make sure he understood my resolve against it.He tried to... Continue Reading →

Into the blue

NO! NO! I shouted and pushed him back with all the force in my arms. “ Trust me” he said “You will be fine.” I had made it to the jetty’s staircase by then. “I don’t want to. I am not going to.” I shouted back to make sure he understood my resolve against it.... Continue Reading →

China Diaries

From my travel agent to the policewoman who frisks at the airport to the friend who was online that morning at 3 AM, everybody had the same question to ask “China? Why China?” supplemented by a laugh or a giggle. And the slightly abashed I was like “umm…errrr… because...because…because….I don’t know.” Maybe because it’s a... Continue Reading →

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